Just as the atom forms the basis of all matter, this repository will serve as the core structure for every project that follows. Scalable, efficient, and adaptable, atom
provides a framework that enables rapid development while ensuring stability and clarity for bittensor subnetworks.
The current vision of this sdk is to provide us with a backbone that all of us can benefit from, such as:
If you want to use it for your subnet development, you can install using:
pip install git+https://github.com/macrocosm-os/atom.git@main
If you want to work in developer mode where changes to the codebase will become reflected in your subnet, without needing to re-pip install, use the following:
git clone ...
pip install -e PATH_TO_ATOM
The -e allows you to be in “edit” mode.
We use poetry to handle dependancies that are within atom
brew install python@3.11
bash install.sh